Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The World's Greatest French Toast

OK yea you're gonna get a lot recipes that claim to be "the world's greatest" and a lot of them probably are good depending on preference, and others not so much. However, I feel very confident in my claim that this is one of those recipes that people save for holidays and special occasions because you can't simply indulge in this every day…it is too amazing!
So for starters it is fluent free…go ahead and read that again GLUTEN FREE. Since being gluten free I have missed my dear sunday brunch friend, french toast, and nothing gluten free quite replaces old fashioned white bread and while this is an entirely different taste and texture that is because it is BETTER.
So first things first you have to prepare the passover cake that I posted in a different blog, but in case you are lazy here it is again:
This cake is an Easer favorite at my house and is great for gluten free desserts!
12 eggs separated
pinch of salt
1 1/2 cup sugar
2 tbl lemon juice
potato starch

1. preheat oven to 325
2. beat eggs whites until stiff
3. add salt
4. add sugar slowly still beating
5. combine in another bowl yolks, lemon juice, and potato starch
6. fold yolk mixture gently into egg whites
7. line the bottom of an angel food cake pan with brown paper
8. pour battre into pan
9. bake for an hour and 10 min at 325
10. do not open oven while baking!
11. cool cake upside down on a rack
12. cut cake from pan with serrated knife
13. serve with strawberries and whipped cream
14. enjoy!!!

OK so after you've had your cake and eaten it too and it is the next morning here is what you can do. Prepare a french toast batter of:
1. whisk an egg or 2 in a bowl
2. add a table spoons of milk
3. a pinch if salt
4. a dash (or 2) of sugar
5. a dusting of cinnamon
6. a teaspoon of vanilla
viola! Now let the passover cake absorb the batter until soggy and fry away over a hot griddle! Serve with strawberries, peanut butter, real maple syrup, and whatever the heck might also sound good!

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